Ensemble Jacques Moderne is an "ensemble conventionné" by the Ministry of Culture - Department of Cultural Affairs of the Centre-Val de Loire and by the Centre-Val de Loire Region, labelled for the European Year Of Cultural Heritage.
It is subsidized by the City of Tours and the Conseil Département d'Indre-et-Loire.
The Ensemble Jacques Moderne receives occasioanal support from SPEDIDM, ADAMI, and the Institut Français - Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It is a member of FEVIS (The Federation of Specialized Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles) and Bureau Export.
The Ensemble Jacques Moderne has recorded for the record labels LIGIA and MIRARE.
It collaborates on certain projects with the CESR (Center for Advanced Renaissance Studies) and the CMBV (Baroque Music Society of Versailles).
The Ensemble Jacques Moderne thanks the following sponsors for their support.